Are there any Grant places?

Now it is planned to open about 300 grants and +50 grant places (for representatives of the Social Family)

Has the ISFT Institute passed the Hemis program?

You can check the registration of Hemis Institute ISFT at https://hemis.uz/universities

If the institution is not accredited, how will the students of the institution receive the diploma?

Any institute or university must be in operation for at least 5 years and have its own graduates to be accredited. As you know, ISFT Institute got its license on October 21, 2021, and still has no graduates. If the Institute is not accredited, it will be tasked with providing diplomas to all its students until they graduate. The diploma of everyone who received a diploma is considered valid and has the same validity as diplomas of other higher education institutions in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Is accommodation provided?

Construction of a dormitory for our branch in Samarkand is about to begin


Of course, there is a "perevod" in our Institute. Transfers are accepted only from the 2nd course.

You can transfer to our institute not only from Uzbekistan, but also from abroad.
requirements: you are required to have completed the 1st year, passed your final exams and have a certificate of completion of the 1st year


Contract amount

Annual Contract Amount for Student Recommended Entrants:

Full-time contract fees range from BHM 50 - BCA 60


- In our international route, 60 BCA is 20,400,000 uzs

- In the rest of our routes, 50 BCA is 17,000,000 usz

For extramural education - 33 BCA is the same for all educational areas (Basic calculation amount), 11,220,000 soums for the current year.

Currently, BCA (base calculation amount) is 340,000 soms.
ISFT Institute does not award scholarships to students, but may award 100 percent annual grants.
If 2 or more students from one family (brothers, sisters, husband and wife, etc.) study, a 20 percent discount is given to the contract fee for each family member.

Where is ISFT Institute located?

: Main (first) building: Institute, Tashkent region, Kibrai district, University street 2. Destination: Agrarian University and Lyceum.

: Second educational building : Tosh Shahar, Mirzo Ulug'bek district Bahar MFY 102/5.
   Target: Eco market

: Third educational building : Samarkand city, Mirzo bidil street, 24
   Destination: Opposite the Old Porcelain Factory, on Diskani Road (licensing pending)

: Fourth educational building : Andijan city, Boburshokh street 2

   Destination: behind Digital city, in front of Mono center (licensing pending)

Кто мы? Что такое ISF?

ISFT Institute is one of the most advanced, innovative and promising institutes in Uzbekistan and has a long history. In 2016, this institution started its activities as a business school under the name International School of Finance Technology and Science (ISFT). The classes at the business school are mainly in English, and international accounting education is provided based on the ACCA program of Great Britain.
Higher education on the basis of the organization of the activities of state and non-state higher education institutions based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 5847 of 2019 "On approval of the concept of the development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030" to increase the level of coverage from 50 percent, to create a healthy competitive environment in the field.
Based on this, in 2021, ISFT received license No. 0035 from the State Inspection of Education Quality Control under the Cabinet of Ministers and continues to operate under the ISFT Institute brand.
You can study at our ISFT Institute in 2 forms of education. These are day and night or day and night. In 2021, there were 3 courses for bachelors in 1 faculty, and by 2024, 17 courses were created for bachelors in 4 faculties, and 3 courses were opened for master's degrees.

Что такое АССА?

ACCA – Ассоциация Присяжных Сертифицированных Бухгалтеров (The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants), которая была создана в Великобритании ещё в 1904 году. На сегодняшний день ACCA – это крупнейшая международная профессиональная организация бухгалтеров высшей квалификации, завоевавшая прочную репутацию в профессиональных кругах, которая объединяет 162 000 членов и 428 000 студентов в 173 странах мира.

Какого признание АССА в мире?

Квалификация АССА является одной из самых авторитетных в мире. Она ориентирована на подготовку финансовых директоров, главных бухгалтеров, внутренних и внешних аудиторов, финансовых аналитиков международного уровня. Учебная программа подготовки по квалификации АССА включает следующие предметные области: финансовый учет, управленческий учет, финансовый менеджмент, бизнес-стратегия и эффективность деятельности, аудит и налогообложение.

Является ли ISF государственным образовательным учреждением?

Нет. International School of Finance является негосударственным/частным образовательным учреждением. Наше заведение осуществляет свою деятельность на основе лицензии выданной Кабинетом Министров Республики Узбекистан и отвечает всем соответствующим государственным требованиям.