The business forum "Uzbekistan - Malaysia".

Samarkand, which hosted an event on May 18, 2024, became a significant milestone for strengthening the economic and cultural ties between the two countries. The visit of a delegation led by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim included the signing of numerous agreements, including two memoranda of cooperation involving the ISFT Institute.

Business Forum "Uzbekistan - Malaysia"
ISFT Institute May 19, 2024
Business Forum "Uzbekistan - Malaysia": Perspectives and Important Agreements


On May 18, 2024, in the historic city of Samarkand, a significant event took place - the business forum "Uzbekistan - Malaysia". The visit of the Malaysian delegation led by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, which took place from May 17 to 19, was an important step in strengthening the economic and cultural ties between the two countries.

Purpose and program of the forum

The forum aimed at developing bilateral relations, attracting investments, and exchanging experiences between business and government representatives. The event took place at the "Silk Road by Minyoun" hotel.

Key points of the program included:

- Opening of the forum at 16:00, where Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Jamshid Khojaev and Prime Minister of Malaysia Anwar Ibrahim delivered welcome speeches.

- Speech by the Minister of Investments, Trade, and Industry of Malaysia Zafarul Abdul Aziz.

- Open dialogue between government representatives and entrepreneurs from both countries.

- Ceremony of exchanging agreements between Malaysia and Uzbekistan.

- Presentations of the investment potential of both countries, including speeches by representatives of the Ministry of Investments, Industry, and Trade of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Energy of Uzbekistan, and the "Uzeltechsanoat" Association.

- B2B and G2B negotiations.

Participation of the ISFT Institute

The ISFT Institute also participated in the business forum. Representatives of the institute signed two memoranda and agreements on cooperation with the University of Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), which is in the top 1000, on international cooperation. This included agreements on student exchange, academic mobility, summer school, and launching joint programs. This indicates the institute's commitment to expanding international cooperation and strengthening ties with Malaysian partners.

Official representatives of the Malaysian delegation

The Malaysian delegation was headed by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim. The delegation included key ministers such as the Minister of Investments, Trade, and Industry Zafarul Abdul Aziz, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohammad Hassan, and the Minister of Tourism, Arts, and Culture Tiong King Sing. The delegation also included high-ranking officials, ambassadors, and representatives of religious and investment departments.

Representatives of the business delegation

The business delegation consisted of leaders and representatives of leading Malaysian companies. Among them:

- "Petronas" - Malaysia's largest oil and gas company.

- "Khazanah Nasional" - an investment holding company engaged in strategic assets.

- "KK Super Mart" - a large retail store chain.

- "Sunview" - a company engaged in renewable energy sources.

- "Five Petroleum Malaysia" - a well-known company in the oil industry.

- "Eastern Unity Technology" - a technology company specializing in innovations.

These companies represent various sectors of the economy, including the energy sector, trade, technology, and tourism, emphasizing a wide range of interests and opportunities for cooperation.


The business forum "Uzbekistan - Malaysia" was an important step in strengthening the economic and cultural ties between the two countries. The participation of high-ranking officials and leading companies from both countries underscores the significance of this event. The forum provided a platform for discussing and concluding new agreements, exchanging experiences, and developing mutually beneficial cooperation.

The participation of the ISFT Institute and the signing of two memoranda of cooperation indicate its active role in international projects and its commitment to strengthening ties with foreign partners. The forum became a symbol of the two countries' desire to strengthen partnership and implement joint projects that will benefit both sides.

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