

Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages at the International School of Finance, Technology, and Science.

Currently, Gulizebo Yusupova is an independent researcher at the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages, conducting scientific work under the supervision of Professor Rano Urishevna Majidova, a Doctor of Philological Sciences. Her research, within the specialization of 10.00.06-Comparative Literature, Comparative Linguistics, and Translation Studies-is titled "Principles of Transliterating English and Uzbek Toponyms." Yusupova Gulizebo's research work is significant for studying the linguocognitive and specific transliteration features, as well as the structural, semantic, etymological, and orthoepic characteristics of toponyms in the English and Uzbek languages.

The aim of Yusupova Gulizebo's research is to conduct a comparative analysis of the structural and semantic-structural peculiarities of English and Uzbek toponyms, aiming to:

  • Substantiate the linguocultural importance of toponyms and clarify their etymology;
  • Analyze the toponymic units in the English and Uzbek languages using traditional methods, studying their assimilation possibilities to substantiate their interrelations;
  • Examine and comparatively study the orthographic and orthoepic characteristics within the toponymic systems of the English and Uzbek languages;
  • Investigate the cognitive-conceptual and cultural essence of toponyms activated in artistic text.

The object of Yusupova Gulizebo's research comprises geographical names (toponyms) found in dictionaries and various sources, as well as in oral and written literature samples in the English and Uzbek languages.