"With Love for Nature"

We invite you to a tree planting event!

As part of our ongoing support for environmental initiatives, ISFT announces participation in the upcoming tree planting event. We call on everyone who shares our passion for nature conservation and support of green spaces to join us!

Date: April 7th, at 10:00 AM
Location: Chilanzar district, Kartartal street, building 30 ([Yandex Map Link](https://yandex.ru/navi/?whatshere%5Bzoom%5D=18&whatshere%5Bpoint%5D=69.215762%2C41.294433))

This is a unique opportunity not only to contribute to improving the ecology of the region but also to meet like-minded people, discuss current and future environmental projects, and enjoy time spent in nature.

Join us and be part of the change for the better!

All interested are welcome!

We will keep you updated on further events.

With love for nature,
Your Institute ISFT

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