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Master's degree


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Description of direction

The ISFT Master's Department is a structural subdivision of the Institute, its activity is a structure coordinating the education of students in the specialities of Master's degree, the organic and harmonious conduct of the educational process, the training of scientific and pedagogical staff, as well as the implementation of research projects at the departments.

Fakultet va yo'nalishlar

State Financial Control and Audit

Contract cost for one academic year:

  • 22 100 000 UZS (full-time education – without scholarship).

Program Goals:

The Master of Public Financial Control and Audit specialisation prepares specialists to work in the field of control and management of public finances. The programme includes the study of methods of financial analysis, audit, budgetary control and legal aspects of financial activity. Students will acquire skills in assessing the financial performance of public bodies and organisations, as well as in developing recommendations to improve their performance. Graduates of the Master's specialisation can work in controlling bodies, state bodies and audit companies.


Lectures, group sessions, project work, educational seminars, case workshops.


September - July (Traditional summer intake).


Monday – Saturday, approximately 13:30 – 18:00 (schedule will be announced at the beginning of the academic year).


National group (Uzbek), classes are conducted in Uzbek language.

Examination Subjects:

  • Interview;
  • Admission is on a competitive basis, applicants with high scores are recommended for admission.

Humanitarian programs


The Faculty of Humanities, as a rule, is focused on the study of man and society. Major areas include linguistics, literature, history, philosophy, cultural studies, psychology and sociology. This department provides students with the opportunity to deeply study human thinking, culture, history and social processes.

The purpose of the faculty is to develop a wide range of knowledge in the field of humanities, develop critical thinking, and provide knowledge on the study and preservation of cultural heritage. Through the study of humanities, students acquire an understanding of individual human development, intercultural communication, ethical standards and social phenomena.

Humanities students often have the opportunity to apply their knowledge in practice in areas such as linguistics, translation, journalism, international relations, historical studies and cultural projects. Graduates of the faculty undergo theoretical and practical training necessary to become highly qualified specialists capable of contributing to the development of society and humanity.

Foreign language and literature

Price (per year):

  • 22 100 000 (daytime education – without scholarship)

The MA in Foreign Language and Literature provides in-depth knowledge of the study and analysis of foreign languages and literary works. The programme includes the study of theory and methodology of language teaching, linguistics, cultural studies and literary studies. Students will have the opportunity to improve their language skills and develop research projects on a chosen topic. Master's graduates will become qualified professionals capable of working in the fields of education, translation and intercultural communication.


Lectures, small group classes, group projects, educational seminars, case seminars, practical exercises.


September - July (traditional summer admission).


Monday - Saturday, approximately 13:30 – 18:00 (schedule will be determined at the beginning of the academic year).


The form of study is full-time only.

Education is conducted in the Uzbek language.


  • Talk Admission is on a competitive basis;
  • applicants with high scores have the opportunity to become students.

Master's Program in Accounting

Cost (per year):

  • 22 100 000 UZS (full-time study – without scholaship)

The Master of Accounting specialisation prepares students for professional activity in the field of financial accounting, auditing and tax consulting. The programme includes the analysis of financial statements, the study of best practices in risk management and the application of international accounting standards. Graduates of the Master's programme will acquire skills in strategic financial decision-making and effective corporate finance management.


Lectures, small group classes, group projects, educational seminars, case workshops, practical exercises.


September - July (Traditional summer intake).


Monday - Wednesday, 13:30 - 18:00 (schedule will be set at the beginning of the academic year).


Full-time study only.

Education is conducted in Uzbek.

Entrance exams:

• Interview

• Admission is based on competition, and candidates with the highest scores will be admitted as students.