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Azizov Shohsuvor Yuldashevich

Shohsuvor Azizov defended his doctoral dissertation in economics in 2022 under the supervision of Professor Qurbon Amirovich Chariyev on the topic “Improving the Organizational and Economic Foundations for Creating and Increasing Added Value in Peasant Farms” in the specialty 08.00.04 – Economics of Agriculture.

The main objective of Azizov’s research was to develop scientific proposals and practical recommendations for improving the organizational and economic foundations for creating and increasing added value in peasant farms under conditions of economic liberalization.

In his research, Shohsuvor Azizov achieved the following practical results:

  • Developed a method for calculating added value at various stages of the value chain for different types of agricultural products grown in peasant farms, along with ways to apply it.
  • Developed a methodological approach for increasing added value and reducing product losses based on the development of a system for storing and processing agricultural products in home conditions.
  • Proposed rules for organizing cooperatives based on equity participation, which can be financed from their own resources and have the right to material incentives, as well as their composition and organizational-management structure.
  • Developed methods for increasing added value and income in the activities of peasant farms based on the implementation of a contract system between the subjects of the value chain and peasant farms in the processes of production and delivery of agricultural products to consumers.

The conclusions, proposals, and recommendations derived from the research can be used by the Ministry of Agriculture and other relevant agencies and organizations of the Republic of Uzbekistan for developing programs and special measures for the development of peasant farms and strengthening their role in the value chain, as well as in the educational process of higher and secondary special educational institutions.

During the research, Shohsuvor Azizov participated in 4 international and 11 national scientific-practical conferences. He has published a total of 8 articles in local and foreign journals on the topic of his dissertation. He is currently continuing work on his doctoral dissertation.

Maxkamova Munisaxon Abdumannopovna

Mahkamova Munisxon is currently an independent researcher at the Uzbek State University of World Languages, conducting her research under the supervision of Doctor of Philology, Professor Ra’no Urishevna Majidova. Her research is in the specialty of Comparative Literature, Comparative Linguistics, and Translation Studies (10.00.06), focusing on the topic "Moral Evaluation of a Person in the Linguistic Picture of the World (based on English and Uzbek Proverbs)."

Yusupova Gulizebo Yangiboyrvns

Yusupova Gulizebo is currently an independent researcher at Uzbekistan State University of World Languages, working on her PhD dissertation in Philology under the supervision of Professor Ra'no Urishevna Majidova. Her research topic is “Principles of Transliteration of English and Uzbek Toponyms” in the specialty 10.00.06 – Comparative Literature, Contrastive Linguistics, and Translation Studies.

Gulizebo Yusupova’s research is significant in terms of studying the linguistic-cognitive and transliteration peculiarities, as well as the structural, semantic, etymological, and orthoepic features of English and Uzbek toponyms.

The aim of Yusupova’s research is to conduct a comparative analysis of the structural and semantic-structural peculiarities of English and Uzbek toponyms, with the following objectives:

  • To substantiate the linguistic-cultural significance of toponyms and clarify their etymology;
  • To analyze English and Uzbek toponymic units using traditional methods and explore their interrelations through the study of their adaptation opportunities;
  • To examine and compare the orthographic and orthoepic features in the toponymic systems of English and Uzbek;
  • To study the cognitive-conceptual and cultural essence of toponyms in artistic texts.

The object of Gulizebo Yusupova’s research includes geographic names (toponyms) found in dictionaries and various sources in both oral and written literature in English and Uzbek.