Talented Students
Our Talented Students
Nurjakhon Kholmirzayeva
Nurjakhon Kholmirzayeva is an example for students and young people with her achievements in scientific research. Today, many of his scientific articles and theses have been published in national and international conferences and scientific journals. Also, Laziza Abdurazzokova is conducting research on her master's thesis on "Internal audit service in commercial banks and its improvement".

Abdulaziz Abdurazzaqov
Today, he is studying at the Master's Department of the ISFT Institute, majoring in "Banking and Auditing". He gained respect among the general public with his exemplary behavior and thirst for knowledge at the institute.

Komila Khannarova
During the past period, Komila Khannarova managed to achieve a number of achievements. He won the Tashkent city stage of the 2023 Science Olympiad in "Mathematics".

Olimjon Obidjonov
Olimjon Obidjonov was duly awarded for his active participation in the regional stage of the 2023 "Tax Experts" competition. Olimjon Obidjonov won the State Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the 2023-2024 academic year in the field of "Business and Management".

Student Union (SU)
The ISFT Student Union is a platform for the development of student ideas, self-realization and implementation.
ISFT Career Center
The section of vacancies that have come to our institute
ISFT Career Center
The Career Centre regularly monitors the employment and professional development of students, provides periodically updated information on vacancies in the labour market, sends students to practical training and internships based on memorandums and agreements, organises meetings between employers, enterprises and students, and performs functional duties such as conducting career day fairs.
View AllContacts
Tashkent city, Mirzo Ulugbek district, Temur Malik street, 18
+99855 506-17-17
Student Life
For those who want to get acquainted with student life, fresh photos from our students
The section of vacancies that have come to our institute

Samandarlar bilan jang
Karel Čapek
CIMA Certificate Course Book
Foundantions in Accountancy / ACCA
Management Accounting (FMA/MA)

Sh.Q. Farmonov, R.M. Turgunbayev, L.D. Sharipova, N.T. Parpiyeva

Advanced High-School Mathematics
David B. Surowski, Shanghai American School, Singapore American School