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Admission for the year 2024-2025

Online application is the first step to join the ISFT Institute family and the platform is in turn fully supported by our staff and students. The process of applying for studies is carried out through a special online platform

For the convenience of the process, you can submit documents online, through our web resource or by visiting our regional reception point.

Admission will continue until 30.09.2024


Responsible Secretary:

Makhsudov Shakhzod




Information technologies
Financial and Economic Programs
Humanitarian programs
International programs

Admission Committee

Online Admission Page:

Online Admission Page:

Responsible Secretary:

Responsible Secretary:

Makhsudov Shakhzod



+99855 506-17-17





18 Temur Malik street, Mirzo Ulugbek district

Work schedule:

Work schedule:

Monday - Saturday 9:00 - 18:00

The core subjects of the ISFT institute's educational program reflect the priority areas of national and global research. Students receive education in modern classrooms and computer labs equipped with libraries and electronic resources. The ISFT institute is focused on preparing graduates who are recognized not only in Uzbekistan but also worldwide. In an effective learning environment, students gain up-to-date and practical knowledge from their instructors.

Information Systems and Technologies

Bachelor's Degree in Information Systems and Technologies

Cost (per year):

• 17,000,000 UZS (full-time, without scholarship) - 50 BHM (Basic Calculation Amount)

This program prepares specialists in the development and application of software and tools for solving problems in science, technology, economics, and management, as well as mathematical models of processes and objects, and mathematical methods. Upon graduation, the student will be able to develop data models for information systems; apply information technologies in the design of information systems; use architectural and detailed solutions in system design; perform mathematical and informational modeling of information processing problems.


Lectures, small group classes, team projects, educational seminars, case seminars, practical exercises.


September - July (traditional summer intake).


Monday - Saturday, approximately 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM (schedule to be announced at the beginning of the academic year).

Requirements for full-time study:

Education is conducted only in Uzbek.

Entrance Exams:

• Uzbek language test;

• General Mathematics test.

• Admission is based on a competitive selection, and applicants with high scores have a chance to be accepted.

• Note!!! After successfully passing the entrance exams, applicants must undergo an interview with a special commission and a logical test. Applicants who successfully pass all stages may be eligible for full-time study on a grant basis.

Digital Economy

Bachelor's Program in Digital Economy

Tuition Fee (per year):

  • 17,000,000 UZS (full-time, non-scholarship) - 50 BHM (Basic Calculation Amount)

The faculty focuses on preparing competitive specialists with advanced knowledge and skills in managing high-tech projects, modeling business processes, and designing software for information systems. The program aims to develop and implement international interdisciplinary educational programs and projects, covering product development, data analysis, and optimal planning and management in the economy.


Lectures, small group sessions, team projects, educational seminars, case workshops, practical exercises.


September - July (traditional summer intake).


Monday - Saturday, approximately 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM (schedule will be determined at the beginning of the academic year).

Requirements for Full-Time Study:

Education is conducted only in Uzbek.

Entrance Examinations:

  • Native language test
  • General Mathematics test

Admission is based on competition, and candidates with high scores have the opportunity to become students.

Attention!!! After successfully passing the entrance exams, candidates must undergo an interview with a special commission and a logical reasoning test. Candidates who successfully complete all stages may be eligible for a grant-based full-time education.


Economics is the study of production, distribution, trade, and consumption of goods and services. In general, it is a social science that emphasizes the practical aspects, discussions, and material expressions related to the production, use, and management of scarce resources.

Objectives of the Program:

Understanding key issues in civil society, applying strategies based on the development strategy of Uzbekistan, methodological guidelines for planning, accounting, and analyzing the activities of economic entities, developing and using legal and regulatory documents, organizing planning activities, studying national and international practices, understanding technological foundations for product development, and using information and communication technologies in techno-economic calculations and analysis of economic activities.

Competencies of the Program:

  • Knowledge of current state policy issues
  • Ability to independently analyze socio-economic problems and processes
  • Development of logical thinking
  • Drawing correct conclusions
  • Formation of mathematical culture
  • Independent acquisition of new knowledge
  • Ability to organize work and labor scientifically
  • Skills in searching, analyzing, and using legal documents in professional activities
  • Developing and implementing strategies for economic growth and competitiveness
  • Skills in analyzing and evaluating the macroeconomic environment, market, associated risks, and competitive environment

Forms of Instruction:

  • Lectures
  • Small group classes
  • Team projects
  • Educational seminars
  • Case studies
  • Practical exercises

Study Period:

September - July (traditional summer admission)

Tuition Fees for One Academic Year:

  • 17,000,000 UZS (full-time study – without scholarship) - 50 BHM (Basic Calculation Size)

Employment Areas:

  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Finance
  • Banking
  • Insurance
  • Taxation and tax administration
  • Accounting and audit
  • Pension affairs and others

Economic Security

Bachelor's Degree in Economic Security

Cost per academic year:

• 17,000,000 UZS (full-time, without scholarship) - 50 BHM (Basic Monthly Wage)

• 11,220,000 UZS (part-time) - 33 BHM (Basic Monthly Wage)

The field of economic security involves studying the state of the economy, ensuring a sufficiently high and stable growth of economic indicators; meeting economic needs; government control over the movement and use of national resources; and protecting the economic interests of the state, society, and individuals. This is a relatively new profession, and there is a high demand for specialists in economic security.

Currently, many enterprises establish departments or services for economic security. The success and existence of an enterprise depend on the qualifications of the specialists working in these departments. Therefore, to become a qualified specialist in economic security, it is necessary to have a solid knowledge base in law, economics, finance, and other related fields.

Forms of Study:

Lectures, small group classes, team projects, educational seminars, case seminars, practical exercises.

Study Period:

September - July (traditional summer intake).

Study Time:

Monday - Saturday, approximately 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM (schedule will be determined at the beginning of the academic year).

Requirements for Full-Time Study:

Education is conducted only in Uzbek.

Entrance Exams:

• Native language test;

• General mathematics test;

• Admission is based on competition, and candidates with high scores have a chance to become students.

• Attention!!! After successfully passing the entrance exams, the applicant must pass a special commission interview and a logical test. Applicants who successfully complete all stages may study full-time on a scholarship basis.


Bachelor's Program in Marketing

Tuition Fees for 1 Academic Year:

  • 17,000,000 UZS (without scholarship) - 50 BHM (Basic Calculation Amount)

This faculty ensures an in-depth study of marketing. Today, marketing communications and advertising have become an integral part of modern business, making knowledge in this field a crucial component of training specialists who work in various sectors.

In the modern economy, ongoing changes related to the digital revolution and the increasing number of communication channels, the development of social networks and interactive marketing platforms, big data, and omnichannel strategies create new vectors for both business and the educational system.

Graduates who complete this program will possess both theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as modern tools and technologies to support business communications and product promotion in a new digital environment.


  • Lectures
  • Small group sessions
  • Team projects
  • Educational seminars
  • Case seminars
  • Practical exercises


  • September - July (traditional summer intake)


  • Monday - Saturday, approximately 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM (schedule to be determined at the beginning of the academic year)

Requirements for Full-Time Education:

  • Education is conducted exclusively in Uzbek.

Entrance Exams:

  • Native language test
  • General mathematics test

Admission is based on a competitive selection process; applicants with high scores have a better chance of being admitted. Attention!!! After successfully passing the entrance exams, applicants must also undergo an interview with a special commission and a logical reasoning test. Applicants who successfully complete all stages may be eligible for a scholarship for full-time study.

Banking and Audit

Bachelor's in Banking and Audit

Contract amount for one academic year:

• 17,000,000 UZS (full-time – without scholarship) - 50 BHM (Basic Calculation Amount) 

The program shapes a unified system of general cultural and professional competencies in the field of banking and audit. Modern economics requires a qualitatively new generation of banking professionals with core competencies, modern technologies and tools, knowledge and skills in financial analysis of commercial and business processes, and advanced analytical thinking and research skills.

In this field, students will study the fundamentals of banking, finance, and audit, the formation of accounting policies, international finance, monetary policy, solving banking problems, investments, and investor activities. Students will also gain fundamental knowledge, skills, and competencies in statistics, econometrics, and taxation.


Lectures, small group classes, team projects, educational seminars, case seminars, practical exercises.


September - July (traditional summer admission).


Monday - Saturday, approximately 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM (schedule will be set at the beginning of the academic year).

Requirements for full-time education:

Education is conducted only in Uzbek.

Entrance exams:

• Native language test; • General mathematics test;

• Admission is based on a competitive process, and applicants with high scores have the chance to become students.

• Note!!! After successfully passing the entrance exams, the applicant must undergo an interview with the commission and a logical reasoning test. Applicants who successfully pass all stages can study full-time on a scholarship basis.

Philology and Language Teaching

achelor’s Degree in Philology and Language Teaching

Tuition Fee for 1 Academic Year:

  • 17,000,000 UZS (full-time – without scholarship) - 50 BHM (Basic Calculation Amount)

This faculty trains effective and proactive professionals in the field of philology and language teaching. During their studies, students will acquire in-depth knowledge of the language and essential skills for effective teaching. They will also develop high-level oral and communication skills, along with studying all subjects related to philology.

The faculty is intended for those interested in studying all structural units, norms and rules of orthography and orthoepy, dialects, cultures, phrases, and idioms of the native language, as well as engaging in scientific research related to the English language. After gaining theoretical knowledge, students will acquire practical skills and engage in scientific activities focused on the study of structural units, orthographic and orthoepic norms and rules, dialects, cultures, phrases, and idioms of the native language.


Lectures, small group classes, group projects, educational seminars, case seminars, practical exercises.


September - July (traditional summer admission).


Monday - Saturday, initially 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM (schedule to be set at the start of the academic year).

Requirements for Full-time Education:

Education is conducted only in Uzbek.

Entrance Exams:

  • Test in native language and literature;
  • Test in English.

Admission is based on a competitive process, and applicants with high scores have the opportunity to become students.

Attention!!! After successfully passing the entrance exams, applicants must undergo an interview with a special commission and a logical test. Applicants who pass all stages successfully may study full-time on a grant basis.

Part-time education is not available in this field!


Bachelor's in Psychology

Contract amount for one academic year:

• 17,000,000 UZS (full-time – without scholarship) - 50 BHM (Basic Calculation Amount)

Program Objective:

Psychology is the science that studies cognitive and behavioral processes. Psychology reveals the mechanisms and laws of mental activity. It teaches the application of psychological knowledge to practice.

A psychologist is a person who provides psychological assistance and engages in practical research with professional psychological knowledge.

Modern Psychology Directions:

  • Art Therapy – a psychotherapeutic method that addresses psychological problems through art and creativity.
  • NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) – a method of self-improvement. It develops communication skills, changes behavior models, and teaches achieving success in any field.
  • Behaviorism – studies an individual’s behavior and the factors affecting it.
  • Gender Psychology – examines behavioral models related to biological and social gender characteristics.
  • Gestalt Therapy – promotes self-awareness, helps people understand their problems and resolve them independently.
  • Humanistic Psychology – an approach that studies individuals through their human emotions.
  • Differential Psychology – studies differences in psychological characteristics among individuals. Analyzes the reasons for these differences and their impact on various areas of life.
  • Client-Centered Psychotherapy – teaches methods for individuals to change themselves independently.
  • Clinical Psychology – studies processes related to mental disorders.

In the ISFT Institute, psychology students will have classes on the following subjects:

  • General Psychology
  • Experimental Psychology
  • Social Psychology
  • General Psychodiagnostics
  • Fundamentals of Psychological Training
  • Psychological Counseling
  • Psychological Services in Management and Social Fields
  • Legal Psychology
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Personality Psychology
  • Family Psychology
  • Child Psychology and Psychodiagnostics
  • Psychological Services in Educational Institutions
  • Processing Psychological Information
  • Higher Nervous Activity
  • Educational Psychology
  • Psychology of Management and Marketing
  • Psychological Services in Extreme Situations


Lectures, small group sessions, team projects, educational seminars, case workshops, practical exercises.


September – July (Traditional summer admission).


Monday – Saturday, approximately 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM (Class schedule will be announced at the beginning of the academic year).

Requirements for Full-Time Study:

National group (Uzbek), classes are conducted in Uzbek and Russian.

Examination Subjects:

  • Test in Biology;
  • Test in Native Language and Literature.

Admission is based on a competitive process; applicants with high scores are recommended for admission.

Attention!!! After successfully passing the entrance exams, the applicant must undergo an interview with a special commission and pass a logical test. Applicants who successfully complete all stages may study full-time on a grant basis.

Bachelor's in Pedagogy

Bachelor's in Pedagogy

Contract amount for one academic year:

• 17,000,000 UZS (full-time – without scholarship) - 50 BHM (Basic Calculation Amount)

Program Objective:

The Bachelor's in Pedagogy program is designed to prepare specialists in the field of education and upbringing. Students will study both the theoretical and practical aspects of pedagogical activity, including psychology, teaching methodologies, and educational technologies. The program also includes practical experience in schools and other educational institutions, allowing students to apply their knowledge in practice. As a result, graduates will be ready to work as teachers, educators, or methodologists in various educational organizations.


Lectures, small group sessions, team projects, educational seminars, case workshops, practical exercises.


September – July (Traditional summer admission).


Monday – Saturday, approximately 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM (Class schedule will be announced at the beginning of the academic year).

Requirements for Full-Time Study:

National group (Uzbek), classes are conducted in Uzbek and Russian.

Examination Subjects:

  • Test in Biology;
  • Test in Native Language and Literature.

Admission is based on a competitive process; applicants with high scores are recommended for admission.

Attention!!! After successfully passing the entrance exams, the applicant must undergo an interview with a special commission and pass a logical test. Applicants who successfully complete all stages may study full-time on a grant basis.

Foreign Languages and Literature

Bachelor's in Foreign Languages and Literature

Contract amount for one academic year:

• 17,000,000 UZS (full-time – without scholarship) - 50 BHM (Basic Calculation Amount)

• 11,220,000 UZS (part-time) - 33 BHM (Basic Calculation Amount).

Program Objective:

During the program, students will study the scientific and practical theories of teaching English and contemporary research in the field. They will also become familiar with methods that aid in effective language acquisition and improve literacy among language learners, applying these methods in practice. Students will learn the importance of English cultural theory and principles in creating an effective learning environment for English learners and will develop the necessary practical skills. They will study the concepts, cultural peculiarities, and the role of culture and cultural layers in the language learning process. Students will learn methods for developing lesson plans, using them in the teaching process, and adapting standards for teaching English as a second language. They will gain knowledge about program models, language skill development, and strategies for integrating the teaching process. Students will develop skills in effectively using modern technologies in language teaching and in selecting and designing learning resources and materials suitable for language learners.


Lectures, small group sessions, team projects, educational seminars, case workshops, practical exercises.


September – July (Traditional summer admission).


Monday – Saturday, approximately 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM (Class schedule will be announced at the beginning of the academic year).

Requirements for Full-Time Study:

National group (Uzbek), classes are conducted in Uzbek.

Examination Requirements:

  • Test in intermediate level English;
  • Test in native language and literature.

Admission is based on a competitive process; applicants with high scores are recommended for admission.

Attention!!! After successfully passing the entrance exams, the applicant must undergo an interview with a special commission and a logical test. Applicants who successfully complete all stages may study full-time on a grant basis.

This program does not offer part-time study options!

Preschool Education

Bachelor's in Preschool Education

Contract amount for one academic year:

• 17,000,000 UZS (full-time – without scholarship) - 50 BHM (Basic Calculation Amount)

Program Objective:

The Preschool Education program is designed to prepare professionally developed educators who will contribute to the comprehensive development of children, systematic organization of family preschools, and development of public and private preschools. The program focuses on creating curricula, teaching, and assessment, providing a strong foundation in the theory and history of preschool education.

This program covers the holistic educational process for children aged 3 to 6 years, aimed at their development. Future educators will study inclusive, cognitive, linguistic, and social aspects, as well as methods for working with talented children. The program combines traditional and innovative research methods and focuses on applying theoretical knowledge in practice.


Lectures, small group sessions, team projects, educational seminars, case workshops, practical exercises.


September – July (Traditional summer admission).


Monday – Saturday, approximately 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM (Class schedule will be announced at the beginning of the academic year).

Requirements for Full-Time Study:

National group (Uzbek), classes are conducted in Uzbek.

Entrance Exams:

  • Biology test;
  • Native language and literature test.

Admission is based on a competitive process; applicants with high scores are recommended for admission.

Attention!!! After successfully passing the entrance exams, the applicant must undergo an interview with a special commission and a logical test. Applicants 

Degree in Primary Education

Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education

Contract amount for one academic year:

• 17,000,000 UZS (full-time education – non-scholarship) - 50 BHM (Basic Calculation Amount)

The Primary Education program aims to prepare future primary school teachers who will be competitive professionals with a place in society. It is designed to prepare educators for teaching in state and private schools in the Republic of Uzbekistan for grades 1-4, focusing on elevating the professional level of future teachers, enhancing their role in society, and implementing new innovative technologies in teaching.

The program provides theoretical and practical assistance in acquiring the knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary for a primary school teacher. Future primary school teachers will actively participate in courses on pedagogical theory, teaching methodology, psychological concepts, cognitive processes, and the theory of primary education. They will also gain general fundamental knowledge in the courses.


Lectures, Small group sessions, Group projects, Educational seminars, Case workshops, Practical sessions.


September – July (Traditional summer admission).


Monday – Saturday, approximately 9:00 – 20:00 (Class schedule will be announced at the beginning of the academic year).

Requirements for full-time education:

Education is conducted exclusively in Uzbek.

Entrance Examinations:

  • Test in native language and literature;
  • Test in general mathematics.

Admission is based on a competitive selection, and applicants with high scores are recommended for admission.

Attention!!! After successfully passing the entrance exams, the applicant must undergo an interview with a special commission and a logical reasoning test. Applicants who successfully pass all stages will be able to study full-time on a scholarship basis.

General Course (1st Year) Full-Time Education

General Course (1st Year) Full-Time Education

(1 academic year)

Contract amount for one academic year:

17,000,000 UZS (full-time education – non-scholarship) - 50 BHM (Basic Calculation Amount).

This program is included in the academic curriculum to prepare students for the Main Bachelor’s degree. Considering that professional terminology at later education stages will be conducted in academic English, the program includes complex exercises using modern global educational programs for language teaching. Additionally, this course is designed to provide students with fundamental concepts related to their future specialization through a series of introductory subjects.

General Course students will be divided into separate working groups and receive intensive training in applied mathematics and English, as well as be directed towards business, accounting, finance, and information technologies.


  • General English;
  • Fundamentals of Business;
  • Academic English;
  • Accounting, introductory part;
  • Research Methods;
  • Personal Income and Expense Management;
  • Economics and Society;
  • Peripheral Computer Skills.


Lectures, group sessions, group projects, educational seminars, case workshops.


September - July (Traditional summer admission).


Monday – Saturday, approximately 9:00 – 20:00 (Class hours will be clarified at the beginning of the academic year).


NB: Applicants are exempt from the English language test in the following cases:

IELTS (Band Score = 5.5+) certificate or an equivalent certificate.

National Group (Uz), classes are conducted in Uzbek:

  • Test on intermediate level of English;
  • Test in general mathematics (in Uzbek);

Admission is based on competitive selection, and applicants with high scores will be invited for an interview.

Attention!!! After successfully passing the entrance exams, the applicant must undergo an interview with a special commission and a logical reasoning test. Applicants who successfully pass all stages will be able to study full-time on a scholarship basis.

Euro Group (Rus), classes are conducted in Russian:

  • Test on intermediate level of English;
  • Test in general mathematics (in Russian);

Admission is based on competitive selection, and applicants with high scores will be invited for an interview.

Attention!!! After successfully passing the entrance exams, the applicant must undergo an interview with a special commission and a logical reasoning test. Applicants who successfully pass all stages will be able to study full-time on a scholarship basis.

International Group (Eng), classes are conducted in English:

  • Test on intermediate level of English;
  • Test in general mathematics (in English);

Admission is based on competitive selection, and applicants with high scores will be invited for an interview.

Attention!!! After successfully passing the entrance exams, the applicant must undergo an interview with a special commission and a logical reasoning test. Applicants who successfully pass all stages will be able to study full-time on a scholarship basis.


Bachelor's Degree in Foreign Languages and Literature

Bachelor's Program in Information Systems and Technologies

he program prepares specialists in the development and application of software and tools for solving scientific, technical, economic, and management problems, as well as mathematical models of processes and objects. After completing the program, graduates will be able to develop data models of information systems; apply information technologies in the design of information systems; use architectural and detailed solutions in system design; and perform mathematical and informational formulation of problems for information processing.

Forms of Study:

Lectures, small group sessions, team projects, study seminars, case seminars, practical exercises.


Part-Time Education Requirements:

Education is conducted only in Uzbek.

Entrance Exams:

  • Test in native language;
  • Test in general mathematics;
  • Admission is competitive, with the highest-scoring applicants having the opportunity to become students.

Digital Economy

Bachelor’s Program in "Digital Economy"

Tuition Fee (per year):

11,220,000 UZS (distance learning) - 33 Basic Calculation Units (BCU)

The faculty’s mission is to develop and implement new applied interdisciplinary international educational programs and projects aimed at training competitive specialists with high knowledge, qualifications, and skills in areas such as high-tech project management, business process modeling, and software design for information systems. Graduates will be able to engage in product development, data analysis, and optimal planning and management in the economy.

Requirements for Distance Learning:

Education is conducted only in the Uzbek language.

Entrance Exams:

  • Native language test;
  • General mathematics test.

Admission is based on competition, and applicants with high scores have the opportunity to become students.


Direction Economy

Economics is the field that studies production, distribution, and trade, as well as the consumption of goods and services. Generally, it is characterized as a social field that focuses on practices, discourses, and material expressions related to the production, use, and management of scarce resources.

Objective of the Direction

The objective of the program is to provide knowledge on pressing issues of civil society, develop a perspective based on Uzbekistan's development strategy, and offer methodological guidance on planning, accounting, and analysis of economic activities. It involves organizing planning activities, developing prospective and current plans for economic entities, studying the country's and international experiences in rational organization of economic activities, understanding technological foundations of development, and utilizing information and communication tools for technical-economic calculations and analysis of economic activities.

Competencies of the Educational Program

The competencies of the educational program include understanding state policy issues, independently analyzing socio-economic problems and processes, developing logical thinking, making accurate conclusions, shaping mathematical culture, acquiring new knowledge independently, organizing work and labor scientifically, searching, analyzing, and using normative-legal documents in professional activities, developing and implementing organization strategies aimed at economic growth, strategic analysis, and ensuring competitiveness, and evaluating and analyzing macroeconomic environment, market conditions, and competitive environment.

Forms of Instruction:

  • Lectures
  • Small group classes
  • Team projects
  • Educational seminars
  • Case seminars
  • Practical exercises

Study Period:

September - July (traditional summer admission)

Tuition Fee for One Academic Year:

• 11,220,000 UZS (distance learning) - 33 Basic Calculation Units (BCU)

Employment Areas:

— Management

— Marketing

— Finance

— Banking

— Insurance

— Taxation

— Accounting and Audit

— Pension affairs and others


Economic Security

Bachelor's Degree in Economic Security

Cost (per academic year):

  • 11,220,000 UZS (part-time) - 33 BCI

About the Major:

The field of Economic Security studies the state of the economy, ensuring sufficiently high and stable economic growth; meeting economic needs; state control over the movement and use of national resources; and protecting the economic interests of the state, society, and individuals. It is a relatively new profession, so there is a high demand for specialists in economic security.

Currently, many enterprises establish departments or services for economic security. The success and existence of a company depend on the specialists working there. Therefore, to become a qualified specialist in economic security, it is necessary to have a solid knowledge in law, economics, finance, and other related fields.

Forms of Instruction:

  • Lectures
  • Small group classes
  • Team projects
  • Educational seminars
  • Case study seminars
  • Practical exercises

Requirements for Part-Time Study:

Instruction is conducted only in Uzbek.

Entrance Exams:

  • Test in native language
  • General mathematics test

Admission is based on competition; applica


Bachelor's in Marketing

Tuition Fee for 1 Academic Year:

  • 11,220,000 UZS (Part-time) - 33 Basic Calculation Indicators (BCI)

This faculty ensures in-depth study of marketing. Today, marketing communications and advertising have become an integral part of modern business, making expertise in this field a crucial component in preparing specialists for various sectors.

The ongoing changes in modern economies, driven by digital revolutions, increasing communication channels, social networks, interactive marketing platforms, big data, and omnichannel developments, are shaping new vectors for business and education systems.

Graduates of this program will gain theoretical and practical knowledge, equipping them with modern tools and technologies to support business relationships and promote products in a new digital environment.

Teaching Methods:

  • Lectures
  • Small Group Classes
  • Team Projects
  • Training Seminars
  • Case Workshops
  • Practical Exercises

Part-time Education Requirements:

  • Education is conducted solely in Uzbek.

Entrance Exams:

  • Native Language Test

  • General Mathematics Test

  • Admission is based on a competitive selection process. Applicants with higher scores have a better chance of being admitted.

Banking and аudit

Bachelor's Degree in Banking and Audit

Cost (per academic year):

  • 11,220,000 UZS (part-time) - 33 Basic Calculation Amounts (BCA)

Program develops a comprehensive set of general cultural and professional competencies in banking and audit. The modern economy demands a new generation of banking professionals with high competencies in contemporary technologies and tools, financial analysis of commercial and business processes, and advanced analytical and research skills.

In this field, students will learn the basics of banking, finance, and audit, formation of accounting policies, international finance, monetary policy, resolving banking issues, investments, and investor activities. Additionally, students will gain fundamental knowledge, skills, and competencies in statistics, econometrics, and taxation.

Forms of Instruction:

  • Lectures
  • Small group classes
  • Team projects
  • Educational seminars
  • Case seminars
  • Practical exercises

Requirements for Part-Time Study:

  • Instruction is conducted only in Uzbek.

Entrance Exams:

  • Native language test

  • General mathematics test

  • Admission is based on competition, and applicants with high scores have the opportunity to become students.


Bachelor's in Psychology

Tuition Fee for One Academic Year:

  • 11,220,000 UZS (part-time) - 33 BHM (Basic Calculation Amount)

Program Objective:

Psychology is the study of cognitive and behavioral processes. It reveals the mechanisms and laws of mental activities and teaches the application of psychological knowledge in practice.

A psychologist is a professional who provides psychological assistance and engages in applied research with a deep understanding of psychological principles.

Modern Psychology Specializations:

  • Art Therapy – A psychotherapeutic method that resolves psychological issues through art and creativity.
  • NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) – A method for self-improvement that develops communication skills, alters behavioral models, and teaches success in various fields.
  • Behaviorism – Studies the behavior of individuals and the factors influencing it.
  • Gender Psychology – Examines behavior patterns related to biological and social gender characteristics.
  • Gestalt Therapy – Develops self-awareness in individuals and helps them understand and solve their problems independently.
  • Humanistic Psychology – Studies humans through their emotional experiences.
  • Differential Psychology – Investigates psychological differences among individuals, analyzing the causes and impacts of these differences on various areas of life.
  • Client-Centered Psychotherapy – Teaches methods for individuals to independently change themselves.
  • Clinical Psychology – Studies processes related to mental illnesses.

Courses Offered at ISFT Institute for Psychology Students:

  • General Psychology
  • Experimental Psychology
  • Social Psychology
  • General Psychodiagnostics
  • Basics of Psychological Training
  • Psychological Counseling
  • Psychological Services in Management and Social Spheres
  • Legal Psychology
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Personality Psychology
  • Family Psychology
  • Child Psychology and Psychodiagnostics
  • Psychological Services in Educational Institutions
  • Processing of Psychological Data
  • Higher Nervous Activity
  • Educational Psychology
  • Psychology of Management and Marketing
  • Psychological Services in Extreme Situations

Career Opportunities for Psychology Graduates:

  • Schools and preschool education institutions
  • State and non-state educational institutions
  • Mass media
  • State and local government bodies
  • Industrial and business organizations
  • Research institutes
  • Sports complexes
  • Private psychological services
  • Military units under the Ministry of Defense
  • Law enforcement agencies
  • Republic Diagnostic Center
  • Various ministries and agencies


  • Lectures
  • Small Group Sessions
  • Team Projects
  • Educational Seminars
  • Case Workshops
  • Practical Exercises

Requirements for Part-Time Studies:

National group (O'zb), classes are conducted in Uzbek and Russian languages.


  • Biology Test
  • Native Language and Literature Test

Admission is based on competition; applicants with high scores will be recommended for enrollment.


Bachelor's in Pedagogy

Tuition fee for one academic year:

• 11,220,000 UZS (part-time) - 33 BHM (Basic Calculation Amount).

Program Purpose:

A Bachelor's in Pedagogy is designed to train specialists in the field of education and upbringing. Students will study the theoretical and practical aspects of pedagogical activity, including psychology, teaching methodologies, and educational technologies. The program also includes practical training in schools and other educational institutions, allowing students to apply the knowledge they have acquired. As a result, graduates are prepared to work as teachers, instructors, or methodologists in various educational organizations.


Lectures, Small group sessions, Group projects, Educational seminars, Case workshops, Practical exercises.

Requirements for Part-Time Education:

National group (Uzbek), classes are conducted in Uzbek and Russian.

Entrance Exams:

• Biology test; • Native language and literature test. Admission is based on a competitive selection process; applicants with high scores are recommended for admission.

Early Childhood Education

Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education

Contract amount for one academic year:

• 11,220,000 UZS (full-time) - 33 BHM (Basic Calculation Unit).

The Early Childhood Education program is aimed at training highly qualified professionals who can develop children holistically, organize family-based kindergartens, and contribute to the development of both state and private kindergartens. The program includes in-depth study of curricula, teaching methods, and assessment techniques. It provides a solid foundation for theoretical and practical training for future educators in early childhood education.

This program covers a comprehensive educational process for children aged 3 to 6 years. Future educators will be trained to work with children requiring inclusive, cognitive, linguistic, and social development. The program uses both traditional and innovative research methods.

The course emphasizes applying theoretical knowledge in practice. It aims to prepare qualified, competitive specialists who can help children develop in the context of rapidly evolving changes in the education system.

Forms of Study:

Lectures, Small Group Sessions, Team Projects, Educational Seminars, Case Workshops, Practical Exercises.

Requirements for Part-time Study:

Attention!!! For part-time study, candidates must have at least five years of experience in educational activities (PQ-289). The presence of this experience is verified on the “Unified National Labor System” platform.

National group (UZB), classes are conducted in Uzbek.


• Biology test; • Test in native language and literature.

Admission is based on competition, and applicants with high scores are recommended for admission.

Primary Education

Requirements for Part-time Study:

Attention!!! For part-time study, candidates must have at least five years of experience in educational activities (PQ-289). The presence of this experience is verified on the “Unified National Labor System” platform.

Education is conducted only in Uzbek.

Entrance Exams:

• Test in native language and literature; • Test in General Mathematics.

Admission is based on competition, and applicants with high scores are recommended for admission.

General Education Courses

GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES (1st Year) Distance Learning

(1 academic year)

Contract amount for one academic year:

11,220,000 UZS (distance learning) - 33 BHM (Basic Calculation Amount).

This program is designed to prepare students for the Main Bachelor’s Degree and includes an academic curriculum. Considering that professional terminology will be used in subsequent stages of education, the program incorporates complex exercises using modern global educational programs for language teaching. Additionally, this course includes a number of supplementary introductory subjects aimed at forming fundamental concepts about the student's future specialization.

General education course students are divided into separate working groups and receive enhanced training in practical mathematics and English, as well as being directed towards business, accounting, finance, and information technology.


  • General English;
  • Fundamental Mathematics;
  • Business Basics;
  • Academic English;
  • Introduction to Accounting;
  • Research Methods;
  • Peripheral Computer Skills.


Lectures, group sessions, team projects, educational seminars, case workshops.


September - July (Traditional Summer Admission).


Monday – Saturday, approximately 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM (class schedule will be announced at the beginning of the academic year).


Education is conducted in Uzbek:

  • Test in Uzbek language;
  • General Mathematics test. Admission is based on a competitive process, and applicants with higher scores have a greater chance of being admitted to the institute.

Euro Group (Russian), classes are conducted in Russian:

  • Test in Russian language;
  • General Mathematics test. Admission is based on a competitive process, and applicants with higher scores have a greater chance of being admitted to the institute.

International Group (English), classes are conducted in English:

  • Intermediate level English proficiency test;
  • General Mathematics test.

NB: Applicants are exempt from the English language test if they have an IELTS certificate (Band Score = 5.5+) or an equivalent certificate.

Admission is based on a competitive process, and applicants with higher scores have a greater chance of being admitted to the institute.


The ISFT Master's Department is a structural subdivision of the Institute, its activity is a structure coordinating the education of students in the specialities of Master's degree, the organic and harmonious conduct of the educational process, the training of scientific and pedagogical staff, as well as the implementation of research projects at the departments.


The Master’s program in Pedagogy is designed to prepare highly qualified specialists in the field of education and training. It covers modern pedagogical methods, educational psychology, educational institution management, and the use of innovative technologies in teaching. Students will have the opportunity to deeply study both theoretical and practical aspects of teaching, as well as participate in scientific research. Completing the Master's program opens up wide career opportunities in educational institutions, scientific organizations, and administrative structures.


Lectures, small group classes, group projects, educational seminars, case seminars, practical exercises.


September - July (traditional summer admission).


Monday - Saturday, approximately 13:30 – 18:00 (schedule will be determined at the beginning of the academic year).


The education form is daytime only.

Education is conducted in Uzbek.


• Interview

• Admission is based on selection, and applicants with high scores have the opportunity to be admitted.

Relocation and reinstatement of learning

Admission processes for the academic year 2024-2025 will begin on July 10, 2024 and will end in September 2024. The institute does not plan to open spring and other admissions.

Study period for 1st courses is October - July (Traditional summer admission).

Study days are Monday-Saturday, 9:00-20:00 (class schedule will be announced at the beginning of the academic year).


✅Legal regulation and organisation of auditing activities in the Republic of Uzbekistan 
✅Auditing technologies


When do the test trials start?

The test trials start from September 1

Who Are We? What is ISFT?

ISFT Institute is one of the most advanced, innovative, and promising institutions in Uzbekistan, with a long history. This institution began its operations in 2016 under the name International School of Finance Technology and Science (ISFT) as a business school. The business school primarily conducts classes in English and provides international accounting education based on the ACCA program from the United Kingdom.

In 2019, based on the Decree No. 5847 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Approval of the Concept for the Development of Higher Education in the Republic of Uzbekistan Until 2030," it was determined to increase the coverage of higher education to over 50% and create a healthy competitive environment in the field.

As a result, in 2021, ISFT received License No. 0035 from the State Inspectorate for Quality Control of Education under the Cabinet of Ministers and continues its activities under the brand of ISFT Institute.

At our ISFT Institute, you can study in two forms: full-time and part-time. While in 2021 there was 1 faculty with 3 programs for undergraduates, by 2024, there will be 4 faculties offering 15 programs for undergraduates and 4 programs for graduate studies.


Is ISFT a state educational institution?

No. ISFT Institute is a private/non-state higher education institution. Our institution operates based on licenses and certificates issued by the relevant body under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, meeting all the state’s requirements.

Is ISFT Institute registered on the HEMIS platform?

You can check if ISFT Institute is registered on the HEMIS platform through this link:


Contract Amount
The annual contract amount for applicants recommended for admission:

The payment for full-time education ranges 50 BCU  (basic calculation unit), and is the same for all programs, amounting to 17 000 000 UZS for the current year.

As of today, the BCU (basic calculation unit) amounts to 340,000 UZS.

The contract amount for part-time education is 33 BCU (basic calculation unit) and is the same for all programs, amounting to 11,220,000 UZS for the current year.

As of today, the BCU (basic calculation unit) amounts to 340,000 UZS.

The ISFT Institute does not provide scholarships to students but may allocate 100% annual grants.

If 2 or more students from the same family (siblings, spouses, etc.) are studying, each family member receives a 20% discount on the contract payment.

Are grant positions available as well?

Currently, it is planned to allocate approximately 300 general grants and an additional 50 special grants for representatives of socially vulnerable groups.

Transfer of Studies

Certainly, our institute offers the possibility of transferring studies. Students who transfer are accepted only starting from the second and third year.

You can transfer to our institute not only from Uzbekistan but also from abroad. Requirements: you must have completed the first year, passed your final exams, and have an order confirming the completion of the first year.

What is ACCA?

ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is a professional accounting body founded in 1904 in the United Kingdom. Today, ACCA is the largest international organization of highly qualified accountants, with 227,000 members and 544,000 students in 181 countries, holding strong respect in professional circles.

The global recognition of ACCA

The global recognition of ACCA lies in the fact that it is one of the most highly regarded international qualifications in the field of finance and accounting. This qualification is widely recognized by financial professionals, international companies, and government institutions worldwide. ACCA members have the opportunity to hold high-level positions in many countries, reflecting the international recognition of their qualification.