Mardonov Aminjon

Head teacher
Mardonov Aminjon
- Bachelor's degree: Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Mirzo Ulugbek National University of Uzbekistan. Form of study: Full-time
- Master's degree: "Applied mathematics and information technology", Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Mirzo Ulugbek National University of Uzbekistan. Form of study: Full-time
- Basic Doctorate (PhD): Institute for Advanced Training and Statistical Research at the Agency of Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the direction of "Econometrics and Statistics" under the code 08-00-06. Form of study: Full-time
Area of research interests:
- Changes in the world economy;
- Western and Eastern economies;
- Economic situation of countries according to the World Bank;
- Poverty, income, population statistics;
- Macro and microeconomics;
- Business process analysis.
Courses read:
- Econometrics;
- Statistics;
- Econometrics 2;
- Fundamentals of statistics;
- Applied maths;
- Business analytics;
- Computer skills
- 2024. "THE SYSTEM OF STATISTICAL INDICATORS OF THE STANDARD OF LIVING OF THE POPULATION AND THEIR SIGNIFICANCE" EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review-Peer Reviewed Journal Volume - 12, Issue - 1, January 2024 | e-ISSN: 2347 - 9671| p-ISSN: 2349 - 0187 SJIF Impact Factor (2023): 8.55 || ISI Value: 1.433 || Journal DOI
- 2023. Scientific electronic journal "Uzbek statistical bulletin "Statistical assessment of living standards in the Republic of Uzbekistan" No 4 (17), UDC: 31:338:336.5 (575.1)
- 2023. Republican scientific-practical conference "The role and importance of the strategy of development of new Uzbekistan in improving the standard of living of the population" on the theme "Increasing the competitiveness of the national economy - a factor of stability of the standard of living of the population," TGEU 2023
- 2023. "Econometric modelling of the calculation of gross domestic product with the expenditure method" INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC FORUM ON COMMUTER AND ENERGY SCIENCES, E3S Web of Conferences 419, 022028 (2023) WFCES 2023.
- 2023. "Statistical study of income and expenditure of households in Uzbekistan" International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern problems of exact sciences in training of highly qualified personnel for mining and metallurgical industry of the country"
- 2023. "Comprehensive assessment of factors affecting the living standards of the population" International scientific-practical conference "National strategy for the development of statistics: priorities, their implementation and prospects" Tashkent, 24 November 2023.
- 2023. International scientific-practical conference "Different components of living standards of the population" "BIG DATA, artificial intelligence and e-commerce in the development of digital economy: problems, challenges, solutions" Tashkent, 24 November 2023.
- 2021. "Living standards of the population in the Republic of Uzbekistan and the experience of China and Europe on poverty reduction "Scientific electronic journal "Uzbek Statistical Bulletin" No 2 (16), UDC 311/213
- 2021. Collection of abstracts of articles of the republican scientific-practical conference "Ways to improve living standards and reduce poverty in the Republic of Uzbekistan on the basis of Chinese experience" on the theme "New business models of economic management in Uzbekistan - as a basis for economic growth and poverty reduction." - T.: Ekonomika, 2021.