Kuldasheva Farida Kholjigitovna

Kuldasheva Farida Kholjigitovna
- Bachelor's degree of the Faculty of Biology of Samarkand State University in the direction of training 05.03.06 - Ecology and Nature Management (with honours). Year of graduation: 2005. Form of education: full-time;
- Master's degree in Biology of Samarkand State University in the direction of training 05.03.06 - Ecology and Nature Management (with honours). Year of graduation: 2007. Form of study: full-time.
Area of research interests:
- Environmental protection and nature management;
- Social ecology;
- Ecological education and culture in educational institutions;
- Agricultural ecology;
- State of the environment of Uzbekistan;
- Ecological problems of Central Asia and ways of their solution.
Courses read:
- Ecological educational technologies;
- Natural sciences in primary education;
- Theory and methodology of natural sciences.
- 2019. ‘Biological features and productivity of Carpathian bees in conditions of Uzbekistan‘ (publication language: Russian; Achievements of young young scientists in the development of agricultural science and agro-industrial complex collection of materials Vlll-rd International Scientific Conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists Astrakhan - 2019’);
- 2019. ‘Macca of honey goiter and water content in the nectar in bees of local population in Uzbekistan‘ (language of publication: Russian; Achievements of young young scientists in the development of agricultural science and agro-industrial complex collection of materials of Vlll-th International Scientific Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists Astrakhan - 2019’);
- 2019. ‘Morphological features of wings in honeybees in the conditions of Uzbekistan’ (publication language: Russian; Modern state, traditions and innovative technologies in development proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Bashkiria - 2019).
- 2019. ‘Improving the efficiency of pollination of oilseed crops by Carpathian bees in the conditions of Uzbekistan’ (publication language: Russian; Modern state, traditions and innovative technologies in the development of the materials of the International Scientific Conference Bashkiria - 2019).
- 2020. ‘Accumulation of heavy metals in the body of honey bees’ (publication language: English; The American journal of agriculture and biomedical engineering. - USA, Impact factor: 5.312. 2020. - V 02. - P. 1-4)
- 2020. ‘Morphometric signs of copper bees under the conditions of Uzbekistan’ (publication language: English; International Multidisciplinary Conference “Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)”. Proceedings of the Conference (June, 2020). Primedia E-launch LLC, Shawnee, USA, 2020. - Р. 41-44)
- 2020. ‘Comparative assessment of honey bees of Uzbekistan’ (publication language: English; International Multidisciplinary Conference “Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVI D-19)”. Proceedings of the Conference (June, 2020). Primedia E-launch LLC, Shawnee, USA, 2020. - Р. 61-65)
- 2023. ‘Toshkent viloyati sharoitida ishchi asalarilarirunning kanot ilmoqchalari sonining uzgaruvchanlik kursatkichlari’ (language of publication: Uzbek; “Chorvachilik va naslchilik ishi” scientific and methodological journal 2023/05 37 - 38 pp.).
- 2024. ‘Asalning sifat koʻrsatkichlariga ekologik muhitning taʼsirini ilmiy asoslash’ (publication language: Uzbek; “ISFT” scientific and methodological journal 2024/02b 125 - 130 art.
- 2024. ‘Role of ecological education of preschool children’ (language of publication: Russian; “ISFT” Republican scientific and methodical conference 2024 7 May, 84-85 pp).