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Financial and Economic Programs

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Description of faculty

The Faculty of Finance and Economics aims to equip students with knowledge and skills in areas such as finance, economics, accounting, management and economic analysis. This faculty provides students with in-depth knowledge in areas such as financial systems, economic policy, corporate finance, international trade and investment.

The main goal of the faculty is to train highly qualified specialists who understand modern economic processes, develop financial strategies and can compete in the global economy. Students receive both theoretical and practical knowledge of working in financial markets, investment management, the tax system and economic forecasting.

The Faculty of Finance and Economics also provides its students with the opportunity to undertake internships in public and private companies, banks, auditing firms, as well as in international organizations. In addition, students have the opportunity to conduct in-depth scientific research in the field of economics and finance.



Economics is the study of production, distribution, trade, and consumption of goods and services. In general, it is a social science that emphasizes the practical aspects, discussions, and material expressions related to the production, use, and management of scarce resources.

Objectives of the Program:

Understanding key issues in civil society, applying strategies based on the development strategy of Uzbekistan, methodological guidelines for planning, accounting, and analyzing the activities of economic entities, developing and using legal and regulatory documents, organizing planning activities, studying national and international practices, understanding technological foundations for product development, and using information and communication technologies in techno-economic calculations and analysis of economic activities.

Competencies of the Program:

  • Knowledge of current state policy issues
  • Ability to independently analyze socio-economic problems and processes
  • Development of logical thinking
  • Drawing correct conclusions
  • Formation of mathematical culture
  • Independent acquisition of new knowledge
  • Ability to organize work and labor scientifically
  • Skills in searching, analyzing, and using legal documents in professional activities
  • Developing and implementing strategies for economic growth and competitiveness
  • Skills in analyzing and evaluating the macroeconomic environment, market, associated risks, and competitive environment

Forms of Instruction:

  • Lectures
  • Small group classes
  • Team projects
  • Educational seminars
  • Case studies
  • Practical exercises

Study Period:

September - July (traditional summer admission)

Tuition Fees for One Academic Year:

  • 17,000,000 UZS (full-time study – without scholarship) - 50 BHM (Basic Calculation Size)

Employment Areas:

  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Finance
  • Banking
  • Insurance
  • Taxation and tax administration
  • Accounting and audit
  • Pension affairs and others

Economic Security

Bachelor's Degree in Economic Security

Cost per academic year:

• 17,000,000 UZS (full-time, without scholarship) - 50 BHM (Basic Monthly Wage)

• 11,220,000 UZS (part-time) - 33 BHM (Basic Monthly Wage)

The field of economic security involves studying the state of the economy, ensuring a sufficiently high and stable growth of economic indicators; meeting economic needs; government control over the movement and use of national resources; and protecting the economic interests of the state, society, and individuals. This is a relatively new profession, and there is a high demand for specialists in economic security.

Currently, many enterprises establish departments or services for economic security. The success and existence of an enterprise depend on the qualifications of the specialists working in these departments. Therefore, to become a qualified specialist in economic security, it is necessary to have a solid knowledge base in law, economics, finance, and other related fields.

Forms of Study:

Lectures, small group classes, team projects, educational seminars, case seminars, practical exercises.

Study Period:

September - July (traditional summer intake).

Study Time:

Monday - Saturday, approximately 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM (schedule will be determined at the beginning of the academic year).

Requirements for Full-Time Study:

Education is conducted only in Uzbek.

Entrance Exams:

• Native language test;

• General mathematics test;

• Admission is based on competition, and candidates with high scores have a chance to become students.

• Attention!!! After successfully passing the entrance exams, the applicant must pass a special commission interview and a logical test. Applicants who successfully complete all stages may study full-time on a scholarship basis.


Bachelor's Program in Marketing

Tuition Fees for 1 Academic Year:

  • 17,000,000 UZS (without scholarship) - 50 BHM (Basic Calculation Amount)

This faculty ensures an in-depth study of marketing. Today, marketing communications and advertising have become an integral part of modern business, making knowledge in this field a crucial component of training specialists who work in various sectors.

In the modern economy, ongoing changes related to the digital revolution and the increasing number of communication channels, the development of social networks and interactive marketing platforms, big data, and omnichannel strategies create new vectors for both business and the educational system.

Graduates who complete this program will possess both theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as modern tools and technologies to support business communications and product promotion in a new digital environment.


  • Lectures
  • Small group sessions
  • Team projects
  • Educational seminars
  • Case seminars
  • Practical exercises


  • September - July (traditional summer intake)


  • Monday - Saturday, approximately 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM (schedule to be determined at the beginning of the academic year)

Requirements for Full-Time Education:

  • Education is conducted exclusively in Uzbek.

Entrance Exams:

  • Native language test
  • General mathematics test

Admission is based on a competitive selection process; applicants with high scores have a better chance of being admitted. Attention!!! After successfully passing the entrance exams, applicants must also undergo an interview with a special commission and a logical reasoning test. Applicants who successfully complete all stages may be eligible for a scholarship for full-time study.

Banking and Audit

Bachelor's in Banking and Audit

Contract amount for one academic year:

• 17,000,000 UZS (full-time – without scholarship) - 50 BHM (Basic Calculation Amount) 

The program shapes a unified system of general cultural and professional competencies in the field of banking and audit. Modern economics requires a qualitatively new generation of banking professionals with core competencies, modern technologies and tools, knowledge and skills in financial analysis of commercial and business processes, and advanced analytical thinking and research skills.

In this field, students will study the fundamentals of banking, finance, and audit, the formation of accounting policies, international finance, monetary policy, solving banking problems, investments, and investor activities. Students will also gain fundamental knowledge, skills, and competencies in statistics, econometrics, and taxation.


Lectures, small group classes, team projects, educational seminars, case seminars, practical exercises.


September - July (traditional summer admission).


Monday - Saturday, approximately 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM (schedule will be set at the beginning of the academic year).

Requirements for full-time education:

Education is conducted only in Uzbek.

Entrance exams:

• Native language test; • General mathematics test;

• Admission is based on a competitive process, and applicants with high scores have the chance to become students.

• Note!!! After successfully passing the entrance exams, the applicant must undergo an interview with the commission and a logical reasoning test. Applicants who successfully pass all stages can study full-time on a scholarship basis.


When do the test trials start?

The test trials start from September 1

Who Are We? What is ISFT?

ISFT Institute is one of the most advanced, innovative, and promising institutions in Uzbekistan, with a long history. This institution began its operations in 2016 under the name International School of Finance Technology and Science (ISFT) as a business school. The business school primarily conducts classes in English and provides international accounting education based on the ACCA program from the United Kingdom.

In 2019, based on the Decree No. 5847 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Approval of the Concept for the Development of Higher Education in the Republic of Uzbekistan Until 2030," it was determined to increase the coverage of higher education to over 50% and create a healthy competitive environment in the field.

As a result, in 2021, ISFT received License No. 0035 from the State Inspectorate for Quality Control of Education under the Cabinet of Ministers and continues its activities under the brand of ISFT Institute.

At our ISFT Institute, you can study in two forms: full-time and part-time. While in 2021 there was 1 faculty with 3 programs for undergraduates, by 2024, there will be 4 faculties offering 15 programs for undergraduates and 4 programs for graduate studies.


Is ISFT a state educational institution?

No. ISFT Institute is a private/non-state higher education institution. Our institution operates based on licenses and certificates issued by the relevant body under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, meeting all the state’s requirements.

Is ISFT Institute registered on the HEMIS platform?

You can check if ISFT Institute is registered on the HEMIS platform through this link:


Contract Amount
The annual contract amount for applicants recommended for admission:

The payment for full-time education ranges 50 BCU  (basic calculation unit), and is the same for all programs, amounting to 17 000 000 UZS for the current year.

As of today, the BCU (basic calculation unit) amounts to 340,000 UZS.

The contract amount for part-time education is 33 BCU (basic calculation unit) and is the same for all programs, amounting to 11,220,000 UZS for the current year.

As of today, the BCU (basic calculation unit) amounts to 340,000 UZS.

The ISFT Institute does not provide scholarships to students but may allocate 100% annual grants.

If 2 or more students from the same family (siblings, spouses, etc.) are studying, each family member receives a 20% discount on the contract payment.

Are grant positions available as well?

Currently, it is planned to allocate approximately 300 general grants and an additional 50 special grants for representatives of socially vulnerable groups.

Transfer of Studies

Certainly, our institute offers the possibility of transferring studies. Students who transfer are accepted only starting from the second and third year.

You can transfer to our institute not only from Uzbekistan but also from abroad. Requirements: you must have completed the first year, passed your final exams, and have an order confirming the completion of the first year.

What is ACCA?

ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is a professional accounting body founded in 1904 in the United Kingdom. Today, ACCA is the largest international organization of highly qualified accountants, with 227,000 members and 544,000 students in 181 countries, holding strong respect in professional circles.

The global recognition of ACCA

The global recognition of ACCA lies in the fact that it is one of the most highly regarded international qualifications in the field of finance and accounting. This qualification is widely recognized by financial professionals, international companies, and government institutions worldwide. ACCA members have the opportunity to hold high-level positions in many countries, reflecting the international recognition of their qualification.