International economics and finance

Description of faculty
The Faculty of Finance and Economics aims to equip students with knowledge and skills in areas such as finance, economics, accounting, management and economic analysis. This faculty provides students with in-depth knowledge in areas such as financial systems, economic policy, corporate finance, international trade and investment.
The main goal of the faculty is to train highly qualified specialists who understand modern economic processes, develop financial strategies and can compete in the global economy. Students receive both theoretical and practical knowledge of working in financial markets, investment management, the tax system and economic forecasting.
The Faculty of Finance and Economics also provides its students with the opportunity to undertake internships in public and private companies, banks, auditing firms, as well as in international organizations. In addition, students have the opportunity to conduct in-depth scientific research in the field of economics and finance.
Faculty Administration

Head of Management department
Mamasoatov Dilshod Ravshanovich

Head of Business Administration department
Uktamov Khusniddin Fakhriddinovich

Head of Accounting department
Khalilov Sherzod Akhmatovich

Head of Fundamental Economic Sciences department
Qarshiyev Daniyar Eshpulatovich

Karakhodjayeva Ma'suda Akmalkhodjayevna

Salimov Mirzohid Abdig’ofirovich