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IV International Student Olympiad in the direction of "Financial Security"

From 29 September to 4 October this year, the IV International Student Olympiad in the direction of "Financial Security" was held in the educational centre "Sirius" in Sochi. It was attended by students from 36 countries, including Uzbekistan.

The main goal of the International Student Olympiad:

  • Increasing economic, financial, legal and information literacy of young people and formation of new thinking skills;
  • Identification and support of talented young people with high knowledge, skills and qualifications in the field of financial security;
  • Providing practical assistance in providing employment and identifying areas of professional growth of young people in the field of financial security;
  • Increasing interest and creative activity of young people in the field of financial security;
  • Promoting the development of new skills in the field of financial security.

The organisers of the International Olympiad are the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the Federal Financial Monitoring Service (ROSFINMONITORING), the International Training and Methodological Centre for Financial Monitoring (ITCFM). Member of the Euro-Asian Group on Combating Money Laundering, Financing of Terrorism and Financing the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (EAG): 600 students from Russia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and BRICS member countries: India, China, Brazil, Africa and other countries, as well as from more than 50 higher education institutions belonging to the International Institute of Industry (IIE) took part in the event. As an expert observer from the ISFT institute are appointed: - vice-rector for science and innovations Azizov Tukhtamish Azamovich; - head of the department of master's studies Khamidova Faridakhon Abdulkarim kizi; - professor of the institute Isroilov Bahodir Ibragimovich. Within the framework of the International Student Olympiad a lot of master-classes, discussions, research of project works, sports competitions took place. The 21st meeting of the Council of the International Network Institute was held within the framework of the International Olympiad. The meeting discussed the tasks realised in the sphere of educational, teaching, methodological and research works in higher educational institutions that are members of the International Network Institute. At the same time, a number of representatives of the delegation were awarded certificates of honour for their special contribution to the development of the Olympic Movement.



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IV International Student Olympiad in the direction of "Financial Security"


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