International Scientific and Practical Conference at ISFT
On February 27, ISFT hosted an international scientific-practical conference on “Dialectics of traditional and modern approaches in socio-humanities and natural sciences”.
The event was attended by leading scholars and experts from Italy, Canada, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Egypt, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. The conference was organized in cooperation with Necmettin Erbakan University (Turkey) and Peoples' Friendship University (Kazakhstan).
Important issues of science development, integration of traditional and modern approaches, as well as prospects of international cooperation were discussed.
Special attention was paid to innovative projects and scientific developments of students.
During the conference the key directions of philosophy, politics, education, history and natural sciences were considered.
At the end of the meeting a resolution reflecting the proposals of the participants was adopted.
ISFT, as always, continues to actively develop international cooperation and support scientific initiatives!
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